iPhone 7 HB Fix

Device Specific, Look First, Uncategorized
We wish we could say this fixed the touch finger scan capabilities BUT it does not BUT it DOES fix the return to home issues.... If you have had any issues with button damage this custom part may be exactly what you need... check it out! Buy: https://www.rewatechnology.com/apple-iphone-7-customized-charging-port-flex-cable-home-button-flex-cable-home-button-replacement-15564.html Video: https://www.rewatechnology.com/cool-gadget-repair-your-iphone-7-home-button-return-function.html
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Device Specific, Uncategorized
Hey techs - So we got wind of this video and wanted to give this link to you - we have reached out to some of our contacts to see if there's any validity to this and if there's a fix OR is this ANOTHER build issue byt Apple (like Touch Disease and Audio IC) so lets all keep and eye and ear out. If a customer comes in for these issues we recommend sending them to Apple and NOT working on the device. You want to be sure they can redeem any sort of warranty thru Apple. We OF…
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NEW TOOL 100518

Device Specific, Look First, Uncategorized
Hey Techs!!   Avoid issues with Tristar (board charge issues) prior to opening the device this can help you know. Then you can save time and know if this is an out source (if you are not doing micro soldering). This tool is OPTIONAL but if your finding some devices you just cant figure out why its having issues, this may help. Happy repairing techs!! Video about Tristar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8UfiZWmD_Q Order from injured Gadgets https://www.injuredgadgets.com/catalogsearch/result/?cat=0&q=SmartMod+  
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iPhone 8/8+/X LCD Machine for Non Working After Install

Device Specific, Uncategorized
Hye Techs!!! There has been allot of buzz about this new tool. Some people say they have it and never needed to use it, some say you have to use it every time and some don't have it. We wanted to make this post because of all the mix of information and explain what this is for. Apparently some iPh 8/8+/X have issues with the Ambient light sensor after replacing an LCD and NOT changing over the Hard code for the ALS (Serial and Calibrate the ALS (Ambient Light Sensor)) with this machine from the old to the new. The…
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iPhone 7 Audio IC Form

Device Specific, Look First, Uncategorized
Please read this form before adding it to your business. This is YOUR choice; if you are having allot of issues with the 7/7p we wanted to make this form in an effort to help you. You need to make contact with a micro solderer and get the price to fix the Audio IC and mark it up and add that sale price to the form so customers have a clear price PRIOR to you working on the device. Add your logo and address at the top and make it your own, change any wording think you need to and…
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11.4 Issues?

Device Specific, Uncategorized
Ok Techs.... Not sure if you've heard but some articles are going around about 11.4 iOS and we wanted to make sure it's on your radar as it is released... we can not test this personally YET but will update this when we do but as always we want to keep you up to date with any possible issues for you or your customer NOTE: It has been said that as long as the phone is unlocked with password, finger or face lock it will NOT disable. Also remember these devices have wireless charging if needed you can use that…
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Audio IC i7/7p

Device Specific, Uncategorized
          Hey Techs! More info.. or maybe our first info officially on the issue... but either way this infamous iPhone 7/7 Plus Audio IC Chip issue is out of hand and we are trying to rope together the facts to help YOU! We spoke with Alex ( Professional Micro Solderer) you can call him at 833-376-7349 he has given us all some very good options to figure out if the issue with the phone not turning on is even in fact the Audio IC issue at all in the first place. He does seem to believe…
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i7 Power/Intake

Device Specific, Look First, Uncategorized
          Well techs as we learn more and more about the i7/7p the better we can provide service to our customers BUT this also can be a very painful process as some of you may know all to well... below are a few VERY important things to do when you are working on these devices. If it can be turned off, TURN IS OFF PRIOR TO UNPLUGGING AND DISCHARGING THE BOARD! if the touch does not work so you are not able to turn it off prior then you need to WARN the customer, even do…
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iPhone 7/7 Plus Color Issues

Device Specific, Uncategorized
Hey techs!! We recently have seen some issues with colors and touch sensitivity on the 7/7 Plus LCD after replacing.. here are some helpful tips if you have the issue.. Turn up the brightness on the LCD prior to giving it back tot he customer   Go into accessibility and you can fine tune the colors in about one minute. This is sorta like how Apple has a machine that calibrate the screens. Use your iPhone as the master to match it against. You can also carry a 2'x3" color calibration chart. Backside has white balance. Take a picture with…
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