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Glass Replacement Outsourcing Contacts

Part Info, Uncategorized, Vendors or New Contact
Hey Techs! Glass replacement is so important for increasing profit and NOT loosing customers to your competition, so stay up to date and outsource glass if you dont have the machines. There has been some big changes at Re-Screenit, over the last few weeks they have ENDED this singular glass replacement services! Not even double digit quantity is good enough for them BUMMER! - seems they have taken on very large contracts and "smaller shipments slow them down" we have FORTUNATELY! found another partner to do glass AND they are a school specifically set up for learning high end Refurb!…
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NEW Logo!

Look First, Uncategorized
New Tech Logo - If you place on your site please back link our main site - this creates critical verified back links between our and your site which helps BOTH companies SEO ranking! Remember that Google Placement is important and we are able to manage your Facebook and Google Ad Words Account for you for $150 a month and that INCLUDES Set Up!    
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Button Repair

Look First, Uncategorized
That's right Techs! A few Micro Solders are able to repair a ripped button! Now I know most of you DO know you can take the device to Apple if you damage it BUT as a tip remove your NEW LCD and put the old one back, we had another Grad go and they kept their new LCD so they lost out on the part. If you are like most of us and do NOT have a Apple store you can drive to in emergency situations below are a few Techs you can ship the item off to for repair…
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Hey Techs!!! Nicole Here! After talking to many of you I have seen a real need for specialized help with Social media and Google Ad Words management. Allot of the companies out there do not understand the cell phone industry AND charge very high prices and I know this can hurt a new business. To help grads with this I will be taking on up to 20 grads.. no more then that. I have spent some time looking at my schedule and this is what I can handle and make sure you receive the correct attention you need for your…
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Tesa Tape

Tesa Tape... Maybe you have heard of it maybe you haven't but there's no doubt it has its mark in the Mobile Device Industry. Below is a document/page link about the company and its products. View their website for more information. Link to Page and PDF Where to buy: Injured Gadgets Mobile Sentirx Possible uses for Tesa tape: Screen Mounting: Our adhesive tapes for lens and touch panel mounting meet the high requirements of your screen mounting applications. Sealing & Cushioning: Our adhesive tapes are the perfect solution to prevent humidity, dust, and other particles in electronic devices, and to…
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4: Batteries

Uncategorized, Videos   Batteries …. Charge or Not to Charge?? Provide Value by giving your customer information about WHY their battery went bad and how to prevent damage in the future. TELL YOUR CUSTOMER: Do not charge your phone in the case Do not use gas station chargers A battery lives for 400 Full Charge Cycles, charging over-night does not effect it especially with devices that auto turn off charge when the battery is 100% BUT if a phone does not have this feature heat build-up will kill the battery cells. For people who use their phone ALLOT their battery will…
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Audio IC i7/7p

Device Specific, Uncategorized
          Hey Techs! More info.. or maybe our first info officially on the issue... but either way this infamous iPhone 7/7 Plus Audio IC Chip issue is out of hand and we are trying to rope together the facts to help YOU! We spoke with Alex ( Professional Micro Solderer) you can call him at 833-376-7349 he has given us all some very good options to figure out if the issue with the phone not turning on is even in fact the Audio IC issue at all in the first place. He does seem to believe…
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Voltage Meter

      What do these readings mean for me?? Hi Techs! Trying to provide you more in-depth info on your Diagnostic Tool; Voltage Meter/AMP Meter/ Digital Multi Meter.. What ever you want to call it.. We hope this helps! What are the readings? V - volts (the power its drawing to charge, the unit of electromotive force, the difference of potential that would drive one ampere of current against one ohm resistance.) A - amps (the fuel needed through charge circuit to charge, The ampere is that constant current which, if maintained in two straight parallel conductors of infinite…
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3: Perception of Value

Uncategorized, Videos
  Perception of Value This is a big topic in Mobile Repair. You will make upwards of an average of $120 an hour with a time requirement of most time less then 15 minutes per repair. NEVER give your customer TRUE time frame unless they PAY for a speedy service “sure we can get it done now and bump you in front of the other customer but that is $15 more”   EXAMPLE: If you went to a mechanic and he said, give me 15 minutes that will be $200; would you not ask yourself, what and why could I…
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