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i7 Power/Intake

Device Specific, Look First, Uncategorized
          Well techs as we learn more and more about the i7/7p the better we can provide service to our customers BUT this also can be a very painful process as some of you may know all to well... below are a few VERY important things to do when you are working on these devices. If it can be turned off, TURN IS OFF PRIOR TO UNPLUGGING AND DISCHARGING THE BOARD! if the touch does not work so you are not able to turn it off prior then you need to WARN the customer, even do…
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Clarity in the parts industry is slim to none in some cases... we all know the parts industry can be confusing, frustrating, intimidating or, with the right vendor, as smooth as a warm summer breeze. Recently we had a call with Scott @ Injured Gadgets (we know! Hes awesome!) and he clarified the whole OEM parts issue and a term called "Service Pack". When we asked are these parts really from Samsung/Apple Scott replied: "They come from a Samsung Authorized distributor, but yes, they are actually from Samsungs' factories/supply chain" We replayed: "This is great because our experience is many…
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DFU Mode on Repair

Hey Techs, so we all know the dreaded issues we can run into when repairing the 7/7 plus.. in addition to the home button being delicate and not currently replaceable AND the sensitive front camera cable we are also seeing some phones have issues just because of the new LCD  install.. and has nothing to do with the part being bad.. bummer! As you know, here at Cellbotics, we are always pulling valuable information together to try and have it in one spot just for YOU! Recently we few experienced techs have suggested doing a DFU restore when you install…
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ZXW Tool

Tools, Uncategorized
This can help you in soldering, you can find out what is wrong with the board prior to sending to a micro solderer OR you can start to practice yourself. Now we all know Jessa! and of course one day you may be at the point to enter micro soldering but we all start some where and her videos are the PERFECT place to start...this video is great for having a perfect example of how to use this tool. ZXW Tool: ZXY Tool on Amazon: Link 2: On Union Repair:  
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2: iCracked Partnership

Uncategorized, Videos
We know you are super excited to hear about this. Watch the video and read the FAQ and if you still don't understand go ahead a reach out to us, we are always here for you! iCracked iCracked and Cellbotics have partnered to bring grads the benefit of being able to make money as soon as they leave class AND give iCracked the ability to bring valuable hands on trained techs into their network. Cellbotics does not make any money off of your sign up and does not except any payments on the behalf of iCracked. COST: $150, INCLUDES:…
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1: How can Cellbotics help you?

Uncategorized, Videos
  Other then our courses we help you with many different aspects of your business. Below is a short video about that section of the book but also is a bullet point list. Where can we help?   Over loaded with repairs? Send any items that a customer can wait for into CellBotics and the repair will be done below Retail so you can resell it back to the client, a quick text to an instructor and you will a price quickly to be able to accurately quote your client.   Need a Website? We have you covered! For…
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iPhone 7/7 Plus Color Issues

Device Specific, Uncategorized
Hey techs!! We recently have seen some issues with colors and touch sensitivity on the 7/7 Plus LCD after replacing.. here are some helpful tips if you have the issue.. Turn up the brightness on the LCD prior to giving it back tot he customer   Go into accessibility and you can fine tune the colors in about one minute. This is sorta like how Apple has a machine that calibrate the screens. Use your iPhone as the master to match it against. You can also carry a 2'x3" color calibration chart. Backside has white balance. Take a picture with…
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Why Anti Static?

We found this helpful link that explains in detail Anti Static Wrist Bands and why they matter... ALWAYS BE GROUNDED!! Also dont forget, make sure to have your TRUE grounded mat! Must have a wall plug:  
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Mac Book Repair and iPad LCD Assembly Refurb

Device Specific, Uncategorized
DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY!!  We have yet another partnership for you.. here at Cellbotics we are always looking out for you and your business and this is a big one. All you need to do is add Mac Book Repair to your advertising like Google Ad Words and Facebook and add in store signage and let the business flow in. Client leaves the device with you and you send it off to this company. This company also refurbs iPad LCD Assemblies. You take off the part and send it in, mark it up and resell the service OR replace your…
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